
How to build the muscle? The 7 way to build up your muscle

Strong muscle strengthening, all knowledge points


Increase the time during which muscles are constantly stressed (TUT)

Muscles create tension under external resistance, and maintaining tension for long periods will result in high levels of mechanical damage and metabolic fatigue. A set of conventional 10 times at standard, regular speed (one 1-2 second contraction speed) may only take 15-20 seconds.

Slow down the speed, extend the falling time to 4-6 seconds, increase the lifting time to 2-3 seconds for 10 times of the same weight, then extend the time to 90 seconds, and this time will cause the necessary mechanical damage and metabolic fatigue. To promote muscle growth.


Increase muscle growth requires short-term fatigue(recoverable)

Short-term fatigue is not a transition, it is in a state of fatigue at the moment, and it can be recovered in a short time. Many people do a training exercise only for a specified number of times or stop just before experiencing fatigue.

When the muscles work, it uses the smaller type I fibres until the larger type II fibres produce the necessary force to participate in the movement. Type II fibres are the most important type for muscle growth, and there are two ways to activate them. One is to use a lot of weight or to do a lot of repetition. The second is to use the drop sets (decrement supergroup, lower group) to obtain target muscle fatigue, usually on fixed instruments.

Choose an initial one to complete as many times as possible until you can't maintain the correct form of action, then reduce the weight and repeat the same action until exhaustion without rest during the period.

Such methods may require the assistance of a partner or may cause more severe delayed onset muscle soreness, but it is indeed an effective method to promote muscle growth.


Single joint, isolated training

Is an effective way to stimulate muscle growth

Multi-joint complex movements, such as squatting, deadlift, etc., require the participation of various parts of the body, which can increase energy consumption, stimulate the secretion of hormones necessary for muscle growth, and increase the negative weight to achieve the necessary conditions for muscle growth, but the single joint isolated training action It can make specific muscles reach the damage and fatigue necessary for growth. Therefore, the common strategy for arranging movements during training is compound action + isolated action. For example, after compound action squat practice, follow an isolated action leg to stretch.


Try to alternate the intensity and amount of each exercise

Use different quantities to achieve damage and fatigue

Strength is the weight used in a particular exercise, and the amount is usually the total number of sets and times in a single exercise.

In different periodic models to arrange the intensity and amount of training. The key is to change the execution periodically.

The use of large weights and small weights will change the degree of mechanical damage and metabolic fatigue, and alternate training between the two in training is a way to maintain muscle growth.


Change training action

Can call different muscle fibre bundles

The motor unit is the motor nerve and its attached muscle fibre. The exercise unit that repeatedly performs the same practice call is limited. The training action is changed in a specific target muscle group, and different exercise units can be activated together with the muscle fibres attached at the time. An important part of muscle growth.

For example, not all exercises that exercise chest use the chest muscles in the same way, alternating dumbbells and barbells, changing the flat bench press to an upturn, or using a rope clip instead of a device clip, can change the specific muscle involved. Fibre, so that it grows.


If your goal is to build muscle

Should focus on strength training

Proper aerobic training

In muscle cells, 1 gram of glycogen can store 2-4 grams of water, and aerobic exercise reduces the amount of muscle glycogen, which also limits muscle growth.

Therefore, the amount of aerobic exercise should be appropriate. And pay attention to the ingredients and calories of nutrient intake, to ensure that the muscles have enough protein and heat to grow.


Good sleep is definitely a good way to gain muscle.

Without good sleep quality and time, the results will definitely be weakened. After all, this is a necessary process for muscle growth and repair. What is important is that synthetic hormones are most secreted at this time, such as growth hormone and testosterone. Although there is some debate, it is undeniable that lack of sleep will definitely affect training. And a vicious circle.

If you have not received satisfactory results after a period of training, you should look for factors from these methods and make adjustments. Smart and hard work complement each other.



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