
How long have you been cheated by fitness?(Problems that are always encountered in fitness)

How long have you been cheated by fitness?

Fitness always encounters many problems

Many people are asking, but the answer always is various.

For example, "running will cause the thick legs"

"protein powder hurts the body"

"The more you sweat, the more effective you are."


How many fitness rumours have you trusted?

Rumour 1 running will cause the thick legs


Many people find that their legs become thicker after running. This is because the muscles in the legs are congested after running, causing muscle swelling, but they will slowly recover as long as they are fully rested. Growing muscles is much slower than losing fat.

Rumour 2 Girls do strength training will become "King Kong Barbie"


Muscle growth requires a lot of training plus a regular diet and rest. For girls is not easy to get muscle. The normal maximum muscle growth is about 0.23 kg/month. According to the training volume and diet of the general fitness person, it is still difficult to practice the "King Kong Barbie". Moreover, the muscles that are trained are not used. , will also be consumed.

Rumour 3 The faster the metabolism, the shorter the life expectancy

Many people take animals for example. For example, turtles live longer because they walk slowly and consume less.


long-term exercise is effective in preventing ageing. If you train for a long time, then when you have a certain age, you will have enough strength to support you to exercise, such as running, swimming, climbing, etc. And long-term endurance training will delay the ageing of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. It has been proven that exercise can not only balance the body's metabolism, but also prevent the decline of bodily functions.

Rumours 4 The more sweat during your exercise, the more effective it is to reduce fat.

Many people think that sweating is a phenomenon in which fat is burned and fat is excreted from the body.


The essence of fat loss is calorie consumption > intake of calories. As long as you are exercising, you are experiencing calorie expenditure and have little to do with sweating. And sweating is related to personal physique. Some people just sweat when they start exercising, and some people are not soaked after exercising. If you sweat too much during exercise, you should replenish your water in time to prevent excessive loss of water and electrolytes.

Rumours 5 Muscle men are eating protein powder / eat protein powder is harmful to the body


Protein powder is just a convenient supplement to protein. The source of protein is not only protein powder but also pork, beef, fish, beans and other foods. The amount of protein supplementation is related to the strength of the training. Generally, the training intensity is large, or the amount of protein supplement in the diet is not enough, and the protein powder is selected as a supplement.

Protein powder is not a hormone, nor is it a muscle-enhancing medicine. Only when the training reaches a certain level, the muscle's demand for protein increases. At this time, the protein powder will have a role. Therefore, even if you eat protein powder, your muscles will not grow if you don't exercise.

Rumours 6 the people who have abdominal muscles the power is greater than that of people without abdominal muscles.


Everyone has abdomen, but the apparent degree of the abdominal muscles is related to the body's body fat rate. Abdominal muscles are not obvious and do not mean that the waist and abdomen strength will be poor, but only wrapped in fat. If the abdominal muscle line is not obvious enough, you can first consider the training from the fat reduction.

Rumours 7The greater the weight during training, the more effective


When training, be sure to pay attention to the standard of movement and the correct force of the muscles so that the muscles can be stimulated correctly so that the training effect can be more efficient. On the contrary, if you focus on the strength of training, each training uses the ultimate weight or exceeds the limit weight, which will lead to the regulation of the action, not to achieve the effect, but will also hurt the muscle.

Therefore, in the training, first, use the lightweight to regulate the movement, find the correct force point of the muscle, slowly and gradually, repeat many times, can also stimulate the muscle.

Rumours 8 Muscle soreness after exercise shows that this exercise has an effect


There are many reasons for muscle soreness. For example, there may be excessive training, it may be a training movement error, or it may be caused by a lack of training for a long time and a decline in training level. Therefore, whether the muscles are sore on the second day after exercise does not have much to do with exercise.

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